Untitled Series:

Inspired by Carrie Mae Weems Kitchen Table Series, I investigated aspects of my identity through a scientific (or documentary) lens. Through this series of six photographs displayed horizontally, I explored identity, documentation, and what it means to create an illusion through reality. Photography is my preferred medium because I have been captured my whole life, so I wanted to continue that documentation for this project. My identity is a lifelong process of self-exploration. Through the six large-scale black and white photographs, the audience can see certain aspects of my life and see what shapes my sense of self. The color references the scientific nature that was used to document a scene. I portray images as genuine and honest, but it is a constructed scene in actuality. My bedroom is my safe space, where I feel most seen. By allowing the viewer to see into this protected space every time, the audience can see the overall continuity of my identity with the differences that come through daily experiences. This doesn't mean the photographs do not depict the reality of identity, but a sense of construction happens with memory shown in each image. With this perspective, I want the viewer to evaluate the cycles of their self-realization and how one is wholly represented through the intersectionality of One's own experiences.

Published in Dinner + No Show, Volume 5

Shown in the Reitz Union Gallery, 2022


Aw Shucks!


The Postcard Series